Must have lingerie picks for brides
“What with all the weddings around the corner, I thought I might share my two –bits on the same. Wedding, as you all know is an occasion of a lifetime for every woman- their “single-ready –to-mingle” status is updated by a knight in shining armor or suave pinstripe, with a promise of a happily ever after. Trust me when I say that No woman wants to go into a conjugal life of naughtiness and bliss in drab innerwear- it is a license to sinful fun with your respective other. Hence, the presence of bridal lingerie is omnipotent in any wedding trousseau.So here’s a quick checklist of lingerie for women to set your bridal trousseau”: 1. Lacy Lingerie What is romantic and sets a tone for the perfect special night lingerie ? It is a lacy set of bra & brief which always tops a bride’s lingerie list. It is the premier foolproof pick when you want to spice things up. The lacy and flirty connotations that come with this engrave a burning picture of desire in your beloved’s mind. ...